Thursday, February 17, 2011

Other Blogs

I am such a sinner, and I have been so blessed by the grace of God. I have been blessed with the opportunity and the energy to write this blog. I have been blessed to hear of readers who have, by God's grace and certainly not my spiritual or intellectual prowess, been helped in various ways. I want to take this opportunity to point out some other blogs and resources from people who are more qualified to write and who most certainly live out the realities our words point to better than myself.
Michael Richardson
I am so proud of my brother. He is serving right now as a missionary in Brazil for the next half year. I believe I got the idea to start blogging because he was going to be blogging while down there. Most of my posts are of the armchair variety, but his are written from the front lines. Read for practical challenge and encouragement from someone who is giving his life for the advancement of the Gospel.

Daniel Murphy
Daniel Murphy is one of my fraternity brothers, and I am so thankful for his heart for evangelism and discipleship. He is particularly passionate about the Jewish nature of Christianity; I believe he would agree with me that his heartbeat is to see the Jewish people (as well as everyone else in the world) come back to worship the true Messiah. I value Daniel's take on Scripture and the Christian life because he sees things that I would probably miss. How awesome the Body of Christ is that we are not simply left alone with the Bible to figure the whole thing out ourselves! We have each other, and best of all, we have the Spirit.
All His Energy

Andy Sellmann
Andy is another one of my fraternity brothers, and he has been a warrior with me in prayer for Theta Xi, my fraternity. Andy, I thank you for your consistent heart to see God glorified in all things, and especially in Theta Xi. I definitely have found myself in more than one lengthy conversation at night with Andy over something to do with God or with our fraternity. I heartily commend to you anything my brother in Christ writes. Here is the link to his blog.
Reflections on the Word of God

Here also is a link to a highly recommended resource that I recently received from Andy in an email. It is a sermon by CJ Mahaney on the holiness of God. It is, I believe, worth your time.
Holiness of God

Desiring God
I am sure you could tell from the reading of my blog, but if you couldn't, I have been significantly influenced by the ministry of John Piper. I was introduced to Piper at Passion 07, and I would also say that Passion has been tremendously influential in my growth. I commend the Desiring God website and the Desiring God blog as a source that probably says better than myself the main things I am trying to say. Please enjoy.
Desiring God

Donald Miller
Donald Miller is the author of Blue Like Jazz, and while I do not agree with everything he writes, his writing often makes me laugh out loud. Not everything he writes is meant to address a Christian topic. But he still looks at things from a Christian worldview and sees things I wouldn't have seen. I commend his blog as thought-provoking and entertaining writing on a diversity of topics.
Donald Miller

Chris Cassidy
Chris is also one of my best friends, and he is my fraternity brother. His blog is like Donald Miller's in that he makes me laugh out loud sometimes. His aim is to simply write about whatever he wants to write about - it's a blog all about him - but I have quite enjoyed following him in it. Perhaps you will, too.
The Cassidy Chronicles

Friends, you are awesome. May God bless you and keep you and shower his grace on you today!

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