This video reminds me of Piper's talk at Passion this year when he asked the question, "Do you feel more loved by God because he makes much of you or because he enables you to make much of him?" The world - and God's designs for it - is not mainly about us; it is mainly about God and his glory. Our salvation itself is about God's glory! But oh, how sweet are the rewards for us in his divine design, in which he has chosen to glorify Christ by having us be united to him by his death and resurrection.
Is God the end for you? Or is he the means to some other other end? Is God the means to health, wealth, and prosperity? Or more subtly, is God simply the means to your forgiveness, salvation, joy, and peace? Any good thing, even God's good gifts, can become an idol if it takes the place of God and becomes ultimate in your life; God alone is the ultimate end. God's glory and his grace are seen in this: by Christ's reconciling death, God has become both the means and the end.