Sunday, March 6, 2011

Marriage (3)

I ran across the following in one of my friend's facebook statuses. It was powerful enough that I think it deserves its own entry within this series on marriage.

‎"When Paul says that a husband must embrace self-sacrifice for the sake of his wife's well-being, this of course includes her physical safety. But the main threat against which a man must protect his wife is his own sin. A friend once expressed his awakening to this truth in these words: 'I used to think that if a man came into my house to attack my wife, I would certainly stand up to him. But then I came to realize that the man who enters my house and assaults my wife every day is me, through my anger, my harsh words, my complaints, and my indifference. As a Christian, I came to realize that the man I needed to kill in order to protect my wife is myself as a sinner.'" - Pastor Richard D. Phillips

Also, "Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you." (John Owen) Grace be with you.

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