Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Greater Fashion Designer

And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.  (Genesis 2:25)

Friends, I love seeing the infinite ways that Jesus is better than everything else, and in him everything is being summed up.  I love seeing the ways that he takes the longings of our hearts and reveals himself to be the one we were always looking for even when we were too blind to know it.  I love seeing the ways that Jesus fulfills his covenant with his people and proves himself to be the greater Adam, the greater David, the greater Abraham, the greater Moses.  They all were but dim shadows of the One who was to come.

From being with Nicole for awhile, I have learned of a world within reality television that I did not previously know about: fashion design.  All these people compete on Project Runway and other shows to be crowned as the top fashion designer.  And it is my aim in this entry to defend my claim that Jesus is the greater Fashion Designer!  (Haha, who would've thought?  You did in fact read that correctly.  I just see Jesus everywhere I turn.)

This flows from some thoughts on the first few chapters in Genesis.  We see God creating man, calling him very good, seeing that he needed a helper, seeing that none of the created animals fit this need, and creating woman by taking Adam's rib and transforming it.  In verse 24 of chapter 2 God provides the good design for marriage - that a man will leave mother and father and hold fast to his wife, and they will become one flesh.  Thinking about what it means for man and wife to become one flesh could be a whole entry unto itself, and so it will not be the focus here.  Rather we will focus on the last verse of chapter 2 and ask what it really means.  And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.

Adam and Eve were walking around naked, and they were not at all ashamed.  How could that be?  The first possibility is that they had perfect bodies and simply had nothing to be physically ashamed of.  God had called them very good, and before the Fall, death and decay had not yet entered the world, so this physical perfection thing may be true.  But even if you're physically perfect, a spiteful spouse may say words that shame you; physical perfection is not enough.  Jesus also quotes verses 24 and 25 about marriage post-Fall, and so being united in one flesh and therefore unashamed seems to be God's plan for marriage even after the Fall; therefore, we must think about how this works now in a time when we certainly are not physically perfect. 

What then is the more likely foundation for their being unashamed while naked?  I could be perfect and simply have nothing to be ashamed of; that was true of Adam and Eve before the Fall, but it is not true of us.  The other reason, and the one I want to examine is this: they were living within covenant love.  There is a link between verse 24 and 25 and a design that is true on both sides of the Fall.  In verse 24 we see the foundation of a covenant between man and woman secured by God.  In verse 25 we see no shame between man and wife.  Marriage was designed by God as a love-and-grace-and-forgiveness covenant to mirror the covenantal love of Christ with his church.  We can only re-approach this state of unashamed-ness when we do so within the context of covenantal love.

Of course, the Fall happened.  God told them not to eat the fruit.  The serpent tempted them.  They ate.  They distrusted God and rebelled and wanted to take his place, judging what is good and bad.  We have inherited this sin nature and its effects.

The foundation for horizontal person-to-person covenant-keeping love is our vertical relationship to God.  When this was messed up with the Fall, it did two things to us that brought about shame.  1)  We now know that the person looking at us is a sinner.  They have put themselves before God, and we now rightfully fear that they may put us down if it helps them to gain some better position because they have done this before.  I now feel vulnerable while naked because the person looking at me is a sinner and may say things to shame me, even if I had nothing to be ashamed of.  2)  But I also am a sinner and really deserve to be shamed.  Even if my wife is the safest person in the world to be around, and even if she operates fully with grace and covenant-love, I am ashamed because of the things I've done.  I am guilty before God.  And I want to cover them up...

And so we tried to cover up.  The origin of hypocrisy.  We unsuccessfully tried to pull one over on God.  It happens immediately after they have sinned - feeling shame over being naked and sewing fig leaves to cover it up.  Their nakedness felt too revealing and made them vulnerable.

And God provides animal skins for them.  God himself replaces their fig leaves.  What are we to make of this?  Obviously Adam and Even could not hide or make up for their sin by dressing up?  So was God aiding them in their hypocrisy?  By no means!  I think, by clothing them here, God was saying, "Yes.  You have sinned.  There is a great gap between what you are and what you are supposed to be.  Clothing is a right response, not to conceal your sin, but to confess it."  My wearing of clothes is a confession that I am a sinner.  The answer to our shame is not to create nudists colonies because God himself clothed us.  To walk around naked would be adding rebellion to rebellion.  To get rid of clothes altogether would be a sin, but it is also sin to use them as a means of seeking power, prestige, comfort, and attention.  Clothes are not meant to direct people to what is under them, causing them to lust, but rather, as a confession about what is really not under them... hands that serve with humility, feet that carry the Good news, and a face that has beheld God's glory.

Not only is wearing clothes a confession of our sin, but it points forward to Christ.  When God clothed Adam and Eve, he did it with an animal skin, which means that an animal had to be killed.  This is presumably the first shedding of blood.  From the beginning we see that sin requires the shedding of blood...  This is a significant foreshadowing of Jesus' coming sacrifice.  The killing of an animal could not atone for our sins and bring us back into right relationship with God and then each other.  It required the death and resurrection of the Son of God, who shed his blood once for all.  And only by clothing himself with our unrighteousness, taking the wrath of the Father on himself on the cross, does he then clothe us with his own righteousness.  We are Christ's bride, and his own righteousness is our beautiful wedding dress.  Our clothes are an insufficient cover-up that should point us to the greater clothing that God has designed for us his children, for Christ's bride.  Perhaps when you think of clothes now you will do so the glory and praise of God who has given us better clothes.  How beautiful are the designs of our Creator!  Jesus, indeed, is the greater Fashion Designer.

1 comment:

  1. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires. (Romans 13:14)

    I didn't want to do a whole new edit of what I wrote above, but I do want to write a little more about what it means for man and wife nowadays to live together as one flesh, unashamed.

    Husband and wife are now in covenant. That means that they are banking on the grace of the other person. Though trust has been broken, they both covenant with each other that they will love each other. The foundation for this love, for forgiveness and grace within the relationship, is this covenant. In our covenant with Christ, we are never beyond his love. We did not earn our way into his grace, and so we cannot sin our way out of it, or else it would not be grace. When I sin, I come back to God, knowing that he is disappointed but that I will be accepted back. (Of course, a heart of true faith does not see this as a license to sin.) In covenant I can trust my wife, knowing that when I sin, I will find grace.

    Also, when I come to Christ, my sins are forgiven, and I am empowered to walk in the light. I am empowered to walk in truth. I do not have to hide who I have been because my forgiven sins magnify God's grace. Therefore, I walk in freedom, and I am no longer grasping to protect my reputation and keep everything secret.

    These two thoughts - seeing marriage as covenant and having my shame swallowed by the grace of Christ - seems to be the surest foundation for getting back to the original design for marriage.

    Thanks to all. Would appreciate discussion.
