Saturday, March 12, 2011

Marriage (5) - Ask Pastor John: Another Miscellany

On the Desiring God website, which I have commended earlier in my blog, there is a resource area that include John Piper's short answers to all manner of different questions. He certainly is a fallible man, but I trust him as wise because he has lived a life committed to the principles and teachings of Scripture. Life, of course, requires a deep knowledge of Scripture, but most of what we face we do not find an explicit answer therein. We are to be shaped, by the Spirit through his Word, into the kind of people who can spontaneously - and in faith - respond to the different challenges of life. It is into these details and questions of life that these videos go.

I still plan on getting into the nitty gritty of the books by Piper and Tripp on marriage, but this might prove to be a fruitful tangent. I have collected some of Piper's short answers to questions that seemed to be related to marriage and career in some way. (These are a small subsection of literally hundreds of questions.) I hope these are thought-provoking and helpful to you.

“Is it important to have a parent’s blessing on your marriage?”

“How many kids should I have? Should I use birth control?”

“What is a wife’s responsibility in solving marital conflict?”

“If God wants me to be happy, why do I have so much suffering?”

This does not speak directly to marriage, but I have included because so many people look to marriage for happiness. This videos helps to clarify what true happiness is and how the different parts of our lives work to help us get to that. Marriage viewed as the primary way to happiness is idolatry.

“Should mothers work full-time outside of the home?”

“Is it important for me to become a member of my local church?”

“How do I boast only in Christ when I apply for a job?”

“How can a business person glorify God in their work?”

Soli Deo gloria!

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