Friday, March 25, 2011

Philippians 1:21

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

We do not think like that, but we should.

What happens when we run up against a hard truth of Scripture?  Do we ignore it?  Do we tame it down?  Do we make excuses for Scripture's assertions?  Do we nullify it by self-identifying as sinners and saying it is simply impossible?  Do we suppress it?  Do we exchange the truth about God for a lie in order to worship and serve, not God, but something he has created?  Do we even think in terms of truth when we come to Scripture or only in terms of the vibes we get?  Or do these hard truths serve to keep us away from Scripture in the first place? 

I should either be able to say this verse from my heart, or I should repent my fallen thinking until I do.

Paul is saying that death has no hold over him.  Instead of a thing to be feared, by Christ's death and resurrection, it has become the very instrument by which we are ushered into his presence.  Jesus is so much better than everything else.  The reason among which all other reasons pale for which we should treasure the promise of heaven is this: Jesus will be there.  He will be with us.  If I go, I get to be with Jesus.  If I stay, I get his Spirit within me, and I get to labor for him; my joy is to see others find joy in him.  As opposed to Charlie Sheen's delusional rants, this really is a situation in which we win in both directions.  It is a bi-winning sort of situation...

When my joy is in Christ and my passion is for his glory, death has lost its sting, and we can say with Paul that we are more than conquerers through him who loved us.  (Romans 8:37)  My prayer for you and for myself is that our love may abound more and more with knowledge and all discernment.  (Philippians 1:9)  It is not a blind love, but it is a love rooted in truth, not like the soft-soap version we get in today's self-focused, entertainment-driven, instant-gratification society.  And my prayer is that within this love our eyes would be opened to the truthfulness of all Scripture, including the hard sayings.  May we not try to judge Scripture, but may we tremble before it and, by any means possible, let it's truths shape us and make us better.  May we be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  And may we be open to, in love, having our minds blown for Jesus. 

God, be pleased to grant me courage in the face of suffering.  And may Jesus be supremely glorified by my living and my dying.  Give me a heart that cries, "I trust you.  I hope in you alone.  I love you."  Amen.

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