Sunday, August 7, 2011

Make God Known at Work

Tomorrow morning I officially begin the first day of my new job.  I will be a math teacher at Coahulla Creek, teaching freshmen and seniors.  I am excited and a little nervous, and your prayers are much appreciated.  I ran across a blog entry on Desiring God's website, where Piper wrote very briefly on ways to make Christ known at your secular job.  These are things I want to keep in mind, and wherever you are at, I am sure they may help you as well...

I have in mind at least five things—five ways to make God known through your secular job and all of them are important. When one of them is missing, the witness to the truth of Christ suffers.
1. The excellence of the products or services you render in your job shows the excellence and greatness of God.
2. The standards of integrity you follow at your job show the integrity and holiness of God.
3. The love you show to people in your job shows the love of God.
4. The stewardship of the money you make from your job shows the value of God compared to other things.
5. The verbal testimony you give to the reality of Christ shows the doorway to all these things in your life and their possibility in the lives of others.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with all of the ways Piper writes on making God known through a secular job. In teaching, I found that it was so important to pray for every component of my day...the classroom itself, the wisdom to teach the material needed, my teaching peers, my students, even the custodial staff. I learned to do it as drove to school, walked down the halls, went to lunch, passed by the desks of my students as they worked. Somedays I was more faithful than others, and I'm certain it showed.

    I will be praying with you and for you, and I know that the Lord will use you far beyond what you can's His promise.
